The straightest teeth in Hamden

Having the straightest teeth in Hamden isn’t just a matter of having a pretty smile. When your teeth are crooked, it can invite decay, gum disease, and nerve damage. 

Whether it’s for yourself, or your child, orthodontics can be the answer.


For many years, going to the orthodontist meant that you would end up with “train tracks” or  “metal mouth”. Nothing was worse than being in the middle of a presentation in class or at work and having a rubber band shoot out of your mouth. 

Thankfully, technology has improved. Now clear aligners are an option. While you still need up to four visits to get the aligners updated, they can be taken out when you eat, brush your teeth, or think that they might get stained or damaged.

FastBraces are also an option. Still clear, but instead of pulling the crown into position over time, they move the root in two phases, generally only taking a little over 3 months to accomplish a straighter smile.


It starts with a consultation. Not all situations are suitable for FastBraces and in order to determine what the best course is, your orthodontist needs to find out what you need.

A followup exam with x-rays will determine a plan of action. Your orthodontist will go over the plan to let you know exactly what is entailed, what they will do, and what you will need to do. They will let you know what the ultimate goals are, if it’s to improve your bite, or just straighten some teeth. 

They will also let you know if any teeth need to be removed in order to accomplish the plan’s goals and show you examples of the appliances that will be used.

Once you have agreed on the plan and procedure, the aligners can be prepared.

Realize that just like the old metal braces, your speech can be affected, chewing gum is not an option, and while we strive to make the process go as quickly as possible, sometimes it may take longer than anticipated.

Typically, you should see straighter teeth within a few months of the initial consultation. 

Once your aligners are out your teeth will still be moving. Your orthodontist may recommend retainers to keep the smile in line. These may be worn for several years after the initial procedure, depending on your age when you get the aligners, and the amount of shift.

All in all, technology has made the torture of tightening the wires between the railroad ties in your mouth a thing of the past. It’s a pleasure to get the new aligner, knowing that it’s less visible and doing the job. 

It’s also a great thing that to get the straightest teeth in Hamden you don’t have to worry about rubber bands putting someone’s eye out.