Treatment for gum disease in Hamden

A mild form of gum disease is called gingivitis and when not treated and left to advance, the gum disease is then called periodontitis.  One of the early signs of gum disease is when there is blood after brushing your teeth. If you are concerned about your gums or suspect you may suffer from gum disease, in this article we share with you the treatment available for gum disease in Hamden.

What are the symptoms of gum disease?

Seek treatment from your dentist if you think you have any of these symptoms:

  • Red or swollen gums
  • Bad breath
  • Gums shrinking
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Weak gums causing wiggly of shifting teeth

Dental treatments for gum disease


  • Root planing & Deep cleaning


Root planing is a deep cleaning procedure under the gums. It helps to get rid of bacteria from the roots of your teeth.  It is common to have discomfort after the treatment for up to 48 hours. 


  • Scale and polish


Unlike your regular cleaning at the dentist, scale and polish is  to remove tartar and plaque buildup on your teeth. This is known as “professional cleaning. If you have a lot of tartar and plaque buildup, you will need to have more than one appointment with your dentist to make sure all buildup is removed completely. 


  • Flap surgery


During flap surgery, your dentist will lift your gums up so that they can access deep underneath your gum line to remove any tartar buildup. After this is done, the gums will be stitched back tightly to prevent further buildup. You will usually be prescribed an antimicrobial mouthwash after the procedure is performed.


  • Medications


Options include: 

    • Antiseptic chip or antibiotic microspheres
    • Antibiotic gel
    • Oral antibiotic
    • Enzyme suppressant

If you are in Hamden and you are looking to get treatment for gum disease.. At Parkway Dental we have trained and highly experienced professionals that can provide you with the proper dental care you and your loved ones need. Give us a call at (203) 408-2248 to book an appointment.