Permanent Denture Options in Hamden

Permanent dentures look and feel just like natural teeth.  An alternative to removable dentures, permanent dentures are false teeth that are attached to the jaw. Permanent dentures are typically held in place by two or more surgically placed dental implants. If you are looking to find out more about permanent denture options in Hamden, read on…

Types of permanent dentures:

  • Complete or Full Dentures

    Complete dentures or full dentures are full-coverage oral prosthetic devices that replace an entire arch of missing teeth.

  • Partial Dentures

    Partial dentures are natural-looking dental appliances that are also removable. It helps restore the function of the jaw by replacing one or more missing teeth.

  • Overdentures

    Overdentures are also known as snap-on dentures or implant-supported dentures. This denture is held into place by either a few remaining teeth or metal posts implanted in the jawbone. Unlike traditional dentures that could slip out at any time, overdentures are more stable and versatile.

  • Dental Bridges

    Permanent dental bridges are made up of pieces of prosthetic tooth that are fused to fit into the open space where the teeth used to be. It is an appliance that replaces a missing tooth or missing teeth.

  • All-on-4 Implant Dentures

    Also called the full arch dental implant bridges, all-on-4 dental implants support an entire arch of teeth, top or bottom with just four implants. This type of denture implant restores and gives a more natural look, feel and function.

  • Dental Crowns

    Dental crowns are used to protect weakened or damaged teeth. They are individual tooth-shaped caps that are placed onto shaved down tooth to cover it and protect it from outside elements.

  • Dental Implants

    Almost similar to the dental crown concept, however dental implants are screwed onto the jawbone with titanium screws that work as the root of the artificial tooth. The difference between dental crowns and dental implants is that you need to have a missing tooth to get a dental implant while dental crowns require you to still have the original tooth attached.


If you are in Hamden and you are looking to get permanent dentures… At Parkway Dental we have trained and highly experienced professionals that can provide you with the proper dental care you and your loved ones need. Give us a call at (203) 408-2248 to book an appointment.