9 Signs You May Need Emergency Dental Care

We’ve all had those moments when our teeth are acting up, but sometimes the pain and discomfort can be too much to bear. While it’s important to stay on top of your oral health with regular checkups, there are certain conditions that require emergency dentistry services. Read on to learn 9 important signs that you need to book an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

1) Severe Toothache

This is far and away one of the most common reasons why people seek out emergency dentists. If you have a sharp or persistent toothache that won’t go away, seek treatment right away! The longer you wait, the more likely the issue will worsen.

2) Swelling

Swelling in your gums or on the side of your face is often a sign that something is wrong with your teeth or gums. It could be an abscessed tooth or infection, and you should have it checked out by a professional right away.

3) Loose or Knocked Out Teeth

A major blow to your face can cause a tooth (or several!) to become loose or fall out entirely. In cases like these, it’s important to get emergency dental care immediately in order to save any remaining teeth from further damage and optimize your chances of saving any knocked-out teeth.

4) Broken Teeth

If you have broken or chipped teeth, this can be considered an emergency situation, as broken teeth can cause long-term damage if not treated quickly. Your dentist will be able to assess the severity of the break and suggest treatments accordingly.

5) Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums could mean that there is something wrong with your oral health, so it’s important to get it checked out right away rather than wait until regular office hours when the problem could become worse.

6) Abscesses

An abscess is an infection at the root of a tooth and needs to be treated right away in order to prevent further damage and the spread of infection. If left untreated, abscesses can cause severe pain and spread throughout the body via the bloodstream, so don’t put off seeking help if you suspect an abscess!    

7) Sensitivity To Pressure

If you feel sensitivity when biting down or applying pressure on certain areas of your mouth, it could be anything from a crack filling needing replacement, decay beneath existing fillings, or crowns that need adjustment—so make sure you get checked out by a Parkway Dental professional right away.

8) Sensitivity to Hot or Cold Foods and Drinks

If you start noticing increased sensitivity when consuming hot or cold foods and drinks, this could signal an underlying problem such as cavities or even root canal issues, so it’s best to get it checked out sooner rather than later by a qualified professional who can assess what type of treatment is needed for optimal oral health going forward.  

9) Severe Bad Breath 

Bad breath can be caused by many different factors, but if yours persists despite brushing twice daily and using mouthwash regularly then there may be an underlying issue causing it, so be sure to get it checked out asap.

Knowing when you need emergency dental services can save time and money in the long run. If left untreated, some of these issues can cause long-term damage which will require more extensive treatments and will cost you more both financially and emotionally due to the pain you will be going through. 

Never ignore any potential signs that could indicate an emergency dental care situation. Pay attention to the nine signs we listed in this blog and remember that prevention is always better than cure. If you recognize any of these signs, seek help from the professional dental experts at Parkway Dental in Hamden before complications arise. The sooner you get it fixed, the better. Your teeth will thank you!