New Year, Better Health: Dental Resolutions for 2023

The end of the year is the perfect time to make resolutions, and one of the best things to focus on is your dental health. Good dental hygiene habits are essential for maintaining a healthy mouth and teeth, so why not make it a priority this year? Here are some resolutions you can make in the coming year to ensure your dental health is up to par. 

Brush Twice a Day and Floss Every Day 

This one should be obvious, but it’s still worth mentioning; brushing twice a day (at least two minutes each time) and flossing once per day are essential for good oral health. Brushing helps remove plaque and food particles, while flossing can help get rid of bacteria that are hiding between teeth. Make sure you use toothpaste with fluoride as well! 

Schedule Regular Dentist Appointments

Even if your teeth feel fine, it’s important to visit your dentist for routine checkups at least twice a year. During these visits, your dentist at Parkway Dental will be able to detect any signs of issues before they become more serious. Plus, regular visits also help keep your teeth healthy by removing any plaque or tartar buildup. 

Replace Your Toothbrush 

To get the most out of your toothbrush, it’s important to replace it regularly. Toothbrushes should be replaced every three months or sooner if the bristles are frayed or worn down. If you’re using an electric toothbrush, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and replacing parts as needed. 

Reduce Your Sugar Intake 

Sugar isn’t just bad for your waistline; it’s also bad for your teeth! Eating too many sugary treats can cause cavities and other dental issues, so try to reduce your sugar intake as much as possible. This means cutting down on soda, candy, and other sugary snacks. Instead of reaching for chocolate bars when you need a sweet treat, why not try some fruit instead? Not only is it better for your teeth, but it’s also healthier overall!  

Eat Healthy Foods

Eating healthy can benefit your body and overall wellness in many ways, and as you can guess, it can also help your teeth!  Eating foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds can help keep your teeth strong and healthy while avoiding foods like processed meats or starches can help prevent cavities. So make sure to load up on those healthy foods whenever possible!  


The new year brings with it an opportunity to start fresh and focus on improving our lives—including our dental health! Taking care of our dental health is essential for our overall well-being. By following these five simple resolutions—brushing twice a day & flossing regularly, replacing your toothbrush, seeing the dentist every six months or so, reducing sugar intake, and eating healthy foods—you can ensure that your teeth stay in top shape throughout 2023. 


If you have any questions about how to maintain good oral hygiene habits or would like more information about scheduling regular dental checkups, please feel free to contact Parkway Dental today. We look forward to helping you achieve optimal oral health in the upcoming year!