Treatments for tooth decay in Hamden, CT

Tooth decay also known as cavity, happens when buildup of plaque eventually eats at a tooth enamel and creates a hole in the tooth. Tooth decay can cause immense pain especially if the root and nerve is affected. If you are looking to understand and find out treatments for tooth decay, read on…

Stages of tooth decay and its treatments

As tooth decay progresses, you will likely feel pain slowly growing within the infected area. It is important to be aware of these symptoms so that you can seek help sooner. A regular checkup at the dentist can help you identify and address the onset of a tooth decay. There are five stages to tooth decay, here we explain the stages and treatments for tooth decay:

  • Stage 1: Initial demineralization

White spots on a tooth is the first sign of tooth decay. This is caused by the enamel being exposed to the acid produced by plaque bacteria leading to its loss in minerals, weakening the tooth.

Treatment: Fluoride treatment can be applied on the tooth during the early stages to strengthen the enamel. 

  • Stage 2: Enamel decay

As the enamel breaks down further, the  initial white spots on the tooth would slowly change into a brownish color if not cared for. The weakened enamel will slowly have holes formed on them called cavities or dental caries. 

Treatment: Fillings are most effective to treat cavities. The treatment involves removing the cavity and filling the holes with material such as resin, ceramic, or dental amalgam 

  • Stage 3: Dentin decay

When decay hits the dentin, you will likely feel more sensitivity around the area of the affected tooth. Tooth decay moves at a faster rate once it reaches the dentin, as this part is softer than the enamel and acid can easily destroy it. 

Treatment: Fillings or crowning is the recommended choice of treatment during this stage. However, fillings can only be used if the dentin decay is not too severe. Crowning is used if most of the tooth has to be removed then replaced with a prosthetic one. 

  • Stage 4: Pulp damage

Decaying of the pulp will cause swelling, irritation and pain. This is because the pulp is the innermost layer of a tooth that contains the blood vessels and nerves.  

Treatment: Root canal and a crowning is required when the pulp is damaged from the decay. 

  • Stage 5: Abscess

Infection of the pulp will lead to abscess forming underneath the tooth. Intense pain is associated with these kinds of infection. Other symptoms include  swelling of the gums, face or jaw, fever, and swollen lymph nodes in your neck. During this stage of tooth decay, immediate treatment is required as infection can spread to the bones. 

Treatment: Root canal is performed when abscess has formed. In the worst cases, the tooth may need to be removed. Antibiotics are also prescribed to kill off bacteria. 

If you are in Hamden and you are looking for treatment for tooth decay or cavity.. At Parkway Dental we have trained and highly experienced professionals that can provide you with the proper dental care you and your loved ones need. Give us a call at (203) 408-2248 to book an appointment.