Getting a night guard in Hamden, CT

Night guard, sometimes also known as mouthguard, is a device used to protect your teeth from damage such as during sports or teeth grinding when you sleep at night.  If you or a loved one has been recommended a night guard and would like to find out more about getting a night guard in Hamden, read on…

What is bruxism?

Night guard is used to treat bruxism. Bruxism is the act of involuntary grinding one’s teeth or clenching during sleep. Grinding is when a person moves the surface of their teeth across each other, while clenching is biting down very hard for a long duration of time. Most of the time, people are not aware of their bruxism. However it is more common than we think, some symptoms of bruxism are:

  • Teeth grinding
  • Waking up with dull headaches
  • Jaw soreness
  • Facial pain
  • Fatigue from lack of sleep

It is unknown what causes bruxism, but most people who suffer from it mention stress and anxiety as part of their lifestyle. Other causes may also be alcohol use, cigarettes, caffeine, sleep apnea, snoring, an abnormal bite, and crooked teeth. Long term bruxism is known to cause damage to the teeth such as causing pain for some and affecting the patients overall dental aesthetic if not treated such as leading to broken teeth, loss of tooth enamel, and in severe cases, loss of teeth.

What is a night guard?

A night guard is a device used to aid in bruxism. It is placed inside of the mouth along the  upper or lower arch of the teeth, which helps stop the effects of clenching and grinding. It acts as a protective layer between the surfaces of your teeth and doesn’t allow them to touch one another.

The device will be custom made to fit snugly in the arch of your teeth and remain there all night. Night guards oftentimes go by different names such as bite guards, occlusal guards, or occlusal splints.

If you are in Hamden and you are looking to get a night guard… At Parkway Dental we have trained and highly experienced professionals that can provide you with the proper dental care you and your loved ones need. Give us a call at (203) 408-2248 to book an appointment.