Inlays, Onlays, and Fillings: Know the Difference

Illustration of back molars shows how Inlays and onlays are pre-formed restorations that replace lost tooth structure following trauma or restorative treatment. Dr. Patel provides custom inlays and onlays that are aesthetically pleasing and incredibly durable.

Many of our patients have questions about the difference between fillings and pre-formed restorations such as inlays and onlays. They offer similar benefits. Before your restorative treatment at our dental practice in Hamden CT, Dr. Patel will explain which option is a better choice for you. Read on to learn more about inlays and onlays versus fillings.

Pre-formed Restorations or Fillings: Know the Difference

Inlays, onlays, and fillings serve the same basic function through different means. All three restorations fill in lost tooth structure following trauma or a restorative treatment. Inlays and onlays are pre-formed fillings, meaning that they are fabricated before they are placed in your tooth. Fillings refer to composite resin or another base material that is artfully molded to fit inside the missing portion of a tooth before it is hardened.

Which Option Will I Need?

Fillings are a great restorative option when small amounts of tooth structure have been lost or removed. If you are about to have minor or even moderate amounts of tooth decay removed, Dr. Patel may use natural-looking composite resin to restore your tooth.

If your tooth requires more extensive restoration but not enough for a dental crown (which covers the entire tooth), Dr. Patel may recommend an inlay or onlay. An inlay is a pre-formed filling that fits within the indented surface of the molars. If your restoration requires that the pre-formed filling covers one or more edges, or cusps, of the tooth, you can be fitted with an onlay.

In some cases, an old filling may be replaced with an inlay or onlay. The pre-formed restorations offer superior support compared to fillings.

How Are These Restorations Placed?

Dr. Patel will handle every aspect of your restoration at her Hamden CT dental practice. For each treatment, your treated tooth will be thoroughly cleaned and then sanitized.


Once your tooth is prepped, the composite resin material can be shade-matched to blend in with the color of your natural teeth. Bits of silica in the resin allow fillings to match the reflective qualities of enamel.

Once Dr. Patel has artfully molded the fillings in place, a special blue light will be used to harden the resin. Any minor adjustments can be made at that time.

Inlays and Onlays

The treatment timeline for inlays and onlays is around two weeks. During your first visit and following your restorative treatment, Dr. Patel will clean and sanitize the treatment site. Then, she will make an impression of your tooth before placing a temporary inlay or onlay. The impression will be sent to expert ceramists who will fabricate your inlay or onlay.

In about two weeks, your pre-formed restoration will arrive at our dental practice in Hamden CT. During your second and final visit, Dr. Patel will place the pre-formed filling to ensure that it is a great fit before cementing it in place.

Schedule Your Restorative Treatment Today

Inlays, onlays, and fillings are great restorative options that protect your tooth from further dental problems. Depending on your oral health needs, Dr. Patel can restore your smile using fillings, inlays, onlays, or dental crowns. To schedule your next visit to see Dr. Patel, please contact our office online or call (203) 408-2248.