Protect Your Teeth During The Holidays In Hamden

Protect Your Teeth During The Holidays In Hamden

The holiday season is here! These next couple of months are all about family, friends, joy, and tons of delicious food! Everyone seems to succumb to overindulgence in foods and drinks over the holiday season, which is one of the most decadent times of the year. We’re all guilty of exceeding our daily sugar intake, whether it be from drinking too much wine or eating too many mince pies, which can end up harming our oral health.


Here at Parkway Dental, we are aware that many of our patients experience dental issues throughout the holidays. However, if you follow our advice, some of those issues can be avoided. If you want to protect your teeth during the holidays, make sure to take note of these suggestions. 

How To Keep Your Teeth Safe This Holiday Season

Don’t disregard your bedtime routine.

It can be tempting to go straight to bed when you get home after eating all those snacks and beverages, but this time of the year it’s even more crucial to step up your oral hygiene practice, so don’t disregard your usual bedtime routine!

Remember to floss.

One of the most crucial and neglected parts of any effective dental care regimen is flossing. Flossing is one of the best ways to avoid gingivitis and tooth decay since it helps to eliminate the food particles and plaque that get lodged between your teeth and gums. Because of this, be sure you floss your teeth at least once every day.

Avoid sticky sweets and hard candies.

Sugar is especially damaging to your teeth and gums because it causes “acid assaults” that end in decay, and sugary sweets that remain on your teeth for longer periods of time inflict even more damage than those that you can swallow fast. This Christmas season, try to avoid lollipops, caramels, and other long-lasting sweets.

Remember That Moderation Is Key

Candy tastes great and gives us a sugar high, but it is terrible for our teeth. However, it doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to have any. We’re only human after all! If you want to have some candy and sugary food that can damage your teeth, remember that moderation is key. 


Don’t overdo it, and keep in that that it is crucial to brush your teeth right away after consuming candy, an acidic beverage, a snack, or a meal because your teeth will be demineralized, and the enamel will become thinner.


Brushing your teeth is the best line of protection against the possible detrimental consequences of these snacks. Though there is certainly very little likelihood that you can instantly brush your teeth after leaving a Christmas party, so, after eating anything sweet, try to drink a glass of water to help wash any sugary residue from your teeth and loosen any stuck-on particles.


We encourage all of our patients to schedule an appointment at Parkway Dental at least once every six months. This way, we can identify any issues with routine dental cleanings and exams, often even before you experience any symptoms that may put you in pain. Give Parkway Dental a call today and schedule a visit before this holiday season!