How to find out about Oral Cancer in Hamden

How to find out about Oral Cancer in Hamden

We know to check for lumps, and strange discolored moles, but how can you find out about Oral Cancer in Hamden? Cancer is no laughing matter and we take our self checks seriously.

There are some things, though, that we can’t check for ourselves. Oral cancer can be a difficult discussion to bring up with your dentist, but early detection is the key and our dentists know what to look for.


The main cause of oral cancers is linked to tobacco and alcohol use. Nicotine and alcohol damage the cell lining in your mouth and throat. When the cells divide and regenerate, there can be mistakes in the copy. Some individuals have inherited gene mutations that can cause the body to become more sensitive to the effects of alcohol and tobacco because your body doesn’t have the ability to detoxify the chemicals produced. 

HPV, or human papillomavirus, can also be a cause of oral cancer, specifically middle throat cancer. This type of cancer is generally found in people that don’t drink or smoke, and the instances of it have increased. However, it is generally caught early and the prognosis for HPV indicated cancers is much better than those that are due to tobacco and alcohol use.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Sores on the lip or in the mouth that don’t go away
  • Pain in the mouth that doesn’t go away
  • The lips, mouth, or cheek becoming thicker
  • White or red patches on the gums, tongue, tonsil, or lining of the mouth
  • A sore throat or a feeling that something is caught in your throat that won’t go away
  • Problems chewing or swallowing
  • Problems moving the jaw or tongue
  • Tongue, lip, or other area of the mouth that feel numb
  • Swelling or pain in the jaw
  • Poorly fitting dentures or if they become uncomfortable
  • Loose teeth or pain around the teeth
  • Voice changes
  • A lump or mass in the neck or back of the throat
  • Weight loss
  • Pain in the ear

Many of these signs and symptoms you can discuss with your dentist, whether you think you need screening or not. Some are only detected with a thorough examination by your dentist, and some you may not think to talk to your dentist about at all. We sometimes think that weight loss, or a sore throat is something to bring up with our General Practitioner, but these things may need closer inspection by your dentist here in Hamden.

Approximately 50,000 people per year are diagnosed in the United States with Oral Cancer a year. Sadly, almost 20% of those diagnoses lead to a fatality. Many people are at risk, and go undiagnosed and early detection is key to a positive outcome.

Speak with our dentist here in Hamden for an oral cancer screening today. Your mouth and your life might depend on it.