Tips to Recover After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction Procedure

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Nobody would feel too comfortable at the thought of having their teeth extracted. How much more if the teeth to be removed are the third molars? These last set of teeth to erupt are the most notorious since out of all the other structures; they are the ones that tend to cause problems. Lucky for others, their wisdom teeth erupt without any issues while others suffer from extreme pain and even complications.

Although saving each tooth is always the best option, it is different when it comes to wisdom teeth. If these teeth do not erupt properly, it is ideal to have them removed instead of tolerating the pain. Besides, if this issue is left unsolved, complications like cavities or gum disease can rise. At Parkway Dental, we understand that there are patients who dread the idea of a tooth extraction, much less with a wisdom tooth. However, they should remember that it is sometimes a better option than suffer severe consequences.

dental care

To make the recovery period more bearable for everyone, here are some easy tips to follow after having the wisdom teeth removed:

Elevate the head

When sleeping after the procedure, patients are highly advised to keep their upper-body lifted close to a 45-degree angle for at least three days. Doing so helps promote faster healing since the amount of blood on the extraction site is lesser compared to when lying flat. Keeping the head higher than the feet also reduces swelling.

Use ice packs

Patients are recommended to apply an ice pack against the treated site to reduce inflammation and swelling. Make sure to wrap the ice in a cloth to avoid ice burns and let it stay for 20-minute intervals.

Watch what you eat

For the first 24 hours, patients are advised to eat soft foods. In the meantime, avoid spicy, hard, or chewy foods that might irritate or get stuck on the extraction site.

Drink plenty of water

It is best for patients to stay hydrated for the first 24 hours by drinking plenty of water and not carbonated, caffeinated, hot, or alcoholic beverages. When consuming any liquids, it is best to avoid using straw since this can cause the blood clot to dislodge.

Clean the mouth

Dentists usually recommend patients to resume their oral hygiene habits 24 hours following the extraction procedure. But they should make sure to be especially gentle on the treated site. To keep the mouth sanitized, rinse the mouth with a warm salt water solution every two hours and after meals.

Aside from all these tips listed, make sure to follow the instructions given by the dentist after the procedure to guarantee a more bearable and successful recovery.

Let us at Parkway Dental assist you with your Wisdom Teeth Removal needs in Hamden, CT! For inquiries and tips about the said procedure, feel free to call or visit us at 1869 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT 06514.